August Letters to Discover Magazine: Author Information
Only two letter writers from the August issue had any substantial findings from the search engines. The most interesting was Stephen Czerkas. In his letter, he disputes an article's claim (see below) that dromaeosaurs could not fly. This is followed by a biting reply from Mark Norell of the American Museum of Natural History. Czerkas has acheived greater noteriety for a couple of other controversial issues. The Wikipedia article on the forged fossil-Archeoraptor and the Nature article give the best overview of these subjects.
Patrick, Kyle - Houston, Texas
Heading: Small-Scale Simultaneity
Subject: "If an Electron Can be in Two Places at Once, Why Can't You" - June 2005
Links to the Author: No definite links.
Czerkas, Stephen - Director of the Dinosaur Museum, Blanding, Utah
Heading: Preparing for Takeoff
Subject: "The Dragons of Liaoning" - June 2005
Links to the Author: Archeoraptor article - Wikipedia, Feathered dinosaurs exhibit, The Dinosaur Museum, Nature article-Feathered Fossils Cause a Flap in Museums, Discovery Channel Article-Paleontologists Duped by Fake Dinosaur Fossil?
Books by the Author: My Life with the Dinosaurs
, Dinosaurs: A Global View
Beaumont, Greg R. - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Heading: Ethical Culture Society
Subject: "Doug Melton: Crossing Boundaries" June 2005
Links to the Author: No definite links
Gatzke, Ken W. - Professor of Philosophy, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut
Heading: Our Animals, Ourselves
Subject: "What do Animals Think?" - May 2005
Links to the Author: Southern Connecticut State University-Faculty Bibliography, SCSU entertainment news article-Star Wars is Back, on DVD, Southern's Proposed 'Liberal Education' Program, V.2, Southern Connecticut State University
Yesavage, Tiffany - Golden, Colorado
Heading: Our Animals, Ourselves
Subject: "What do Animals Think?" - May 2005
Links to the Author: No definite links.
Letters to Discover: Author information archives
Patrick, Kyle - Houston, Texas
Heading: Small-Scale Simultaneity
Subject: "If an Electron Can be in Two Places at Once, Why Can't You" - June 2005
Links to the Author: No definite links.
Czerkas, Stephen - Director of the Dinosaur Museum, Blanding, Utah
Heading: Preparing for Takeoff
Subject: "The Dragons of Liaoning" - June 2005
Links to the Author: Archeoraptor article - Wikipedia, Feathered dinosaurs exhibit, The Dinosaur Museum, Nature article-Feathered Fossils Cause a Flap in Museums, Discovery Channel Article-Paleontologists Duped by Fake Dinosaur Fossil?
Books by the Author: My Life with the Dinosaurs
Beaumont, Greg R. - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Heading: Ethical Culture Society
Subject: "Doug Melton: Crossing Boundaries" June 2005
Links to the Author: No definite links
Gatzke, Ken W. - Professor of Philosophy, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut
Heading: Our Animals, Ourselves
Subject: "What do Animals Think?" - May 2005
Links to the Author: Southern Connecticut State University-Faculty Bibliography, SCSU entertainment news article-Star Wars is Back, on DVD, Southern's Proposed 'Liberal Education' Program, V.2, Southern Connecticut State University
Yesavage, Tiffany - Golden, Colorado
Heading: Our Animals, Ourselves
Subject: "What do Animals Think?" - May 2005
Links to the Author: No definite links.
Letters to Discover: Author information archives
Labels: Discover letters
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