November Letters to Discover: Author Information
Against creationism and for Dawkins - Dorothy Sutton, Stephen W. Gordon
Against creationism and against Dawkins - Robert Smith
For Creationism and against Dawkins - Paul E. Lyle
For both religion and evolution but against Dawkins - Stephanie Ferguson, Chris Norris
For religion and against Dawkins, but not clearly for or against evolution - Richard Showstack
Dorothy Sutton-Richmond, Kentucky
Heading: Richard Dawkins: Man's Best Friend?
Subject: "Darwin's Rottweiler" September 2005
Links to the Author: Dorothy M. Sutton's Homepage, Poetry And Evolution: "The Music of What Happens" presentation by Dr. Dorothy Sutton and Dr. Joe Pellegrino, Dorothy Sutton's Bio
Robert Smith
Heading: Richard Dawkins: Man's Best Friend?
Subject: "Darwin's Rottweiler" September 2005
Links to the Author: No definite links.
Stephen W. Gordon-West Valley City, Utah
Heading: Richard Dawkins: Man's Best Friend?
Subject: "Darwin's Rottweiler" September 2005
Links to the Author: Only books found, see below
Books By the Author: Samuel Reshevsky: A Compendium of 1768 Games With Diagrams, Crosstables, Some Annotations, and Indexes
Stephanie Ferguson-Indianapolis, Indiana
Heading: Richard Dawkins: Man's Best Friend?
Subject: "Darwin's Rottweiler" September 2005
Links to the Author: Letter to FDA from the Center for Food Safety,
Richard Showstack-Newport Beach, California
Heading: Richard Dawkins: Man's Best Friend?
Subject: "Darwin's Rottweiler" September 2005
Links to the Author: Trafford Publishing TM Talent Pool, - The Reading Corner
Books By the Author: A Horse Named Peggy
Paul E. Lyle-Kingwood, Texas
Heading: Richard Dawkins: Man's Best Friend?
Subject: "Darwin's Rottweiler" September 2005
Links to the Author: Woodridge Baptist Church Staff Bio
Chris Norris-Guilford, Connecticut
Heading: Richard Dawkins: Man's Best Friend?
Subject: "Darwin's Rottweiler" September 2005
Links to the Author: No definite links.
Letters to Discover: Author information archives
Labels: Discover letters